(no subject)
Cliff Radtke
2003-08-04 17:29:56 UTC
I just realized something... An Open NPO (eVote, fully public information
(although that seems weird, it would be necessary), etc) ring (as in, a
collection of Open NPOs (a auto shop Open NPO, a hardware Open NPO,
software, etc (basically an Open NPO for every type of company in
existence)) could stop inflation. Think about that system, and how it would
increase Corporate competition (against Open NPOs, as well), and yet still
manage to eliminate inflation by setting a standard. See, normally
Corporations will just compete, compete, etc... if one company is able to
rip the public off, it will. So it will raise prices. Then, another company
will, and domino effect throughout the economy. People get paid more as a
result of this, because the corporations are taking their money, then it
evens out. Unfortunately, the peoples really get the short end of the stick
on this one, but that's another topic. I just wanted to point out that an
Open NPO won't follow the trend of increasing prices, if there's a Ring for
it. THey'll depend on eachother, and won't raise prices unless it's really
necessary (not because some asshole CEO decides he wants to rip everyone
Sort of like a solid sub-economy (sorta like what a communist country might
want, except... Open NPOs alleviate all the corruption inherent in public

Tell me what you think of this theory, if we could develop some convincing
documentation on this idea, I think I could have it run through Securities
and Exchanges Committee and have some laws passed about it.

Zynot might just accomplish more than creating a linux distrobution.


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Cliff Radtke
2003-08-07 12:56:23 UTC

I appreciate your interest.

I'm interested in an "Open NPO" for a lot of reasons, among them Direct
Democracy. I'm also much interested in your Biblical ties to an NPO. There
is a law firm in my community that may be willing to help a fellow
religiously-based organization such as what you're trying to start. I don't
agree with religious ties, as I feel it would hinder the democratic process.
But if that's what you want to do, drop a line to my private e-mail,
and I'll help you out.

That aside, one of the reasons I feel Direct Democracy would actually
increase the competition in an economy, while moving it from control of
resources to (relatively) peaceful argument between individuals and groups
alike. One individual may convince a group of an idea, and visa-versa. It is
my hope that people will mature with such a system, and become conditioned
to dealing with a plethora of information, from all sides, and finding the
best solution. Any system of government would work better under a
well-informed, mature public, and Direct Democracy would be no exception.

I'm angered at all the hearsay about people being "sheep". It disappoints me
(even if it's not on purpose) that television news media make most my
relatives, for example, feel helpless without a "federal government". It
embarrasses me that the same medium of information causes my parents to sit
in front it, and abide by a do-nothingism because they feel like the feds
will take care of everything (or take care of them, if they don't like their
ideas); They forget their community, their state, and their neighors (am I
the only one that notices that there are more and more political hermits
around?). And it pisses me off when CEO's of giant Corporations victimize
helpless made-to-be bumpkins like my parents, because they feel they are
sheep-herders, and the world is up for grabs.

To that, I say thank god for the Judicial Branch, because it seems as if
they're the only ones left who have any ethics left.

Maybe I'm wasting my time, but I think there's something better.

I hope that gives you an idea of what motivates me. If more people have seen
what I've seen, and know how much it really affects John and Jane Doe, maybe
they'd be a little more politically active. That's why I wrote this.

however, the general public isn't generally prone to political action. The
general public genuinely believe they're not getting the short end of the
stick. In my opinion, they're eating lemons they think are fruits.
They pay for fuel to a combustion engine when hydrogen powered vehicles are
available for far cheaper. But hydrogen-powered vehicles are being held back
from mass-production by the very company that they're paying.
(http://www.hasslberger.com/tecno/hydrogen.html, I've seen other reports
pointing to the same idea, but I can't seem to find them anymore). They pay
for Microsoft Windows, not knowing they're contributing to an upper
management that's destroying competing businesses, driving up prices for all
markets, and in the end probably assisting to the current state of the
global economy. And that's why I started designing the Open NPO.

I hope, now, everyone thinks of me more as a realist than a radical.


P.S.: Please, if you have any ideas about this whatsoever, post them here,
not to my private e-mail =)

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Cliff Radtke
2003-08-08 01:36:16 UTC
About my motivations, or the Open NPO, not your ideas. RFC "Open NPO" =) If
anyone wants the Spec Sheet, ask me on IRC, or mail me for it privately
please. FOr some reasons the attachments don't attach here... I'll figure it
out later.


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