Zach Welch
2003-07-08 22:27:48 UTC
Hi all,
I just wanted to share my current vision for The Zynot Foundation's
naming of the distribution, its branding strategy, and related
meta-development issues. Now: Verbose Mode On! :)
* The Naming Game
* Brands In All Shapes And Sizes
* Brands For Business
* Conclusions
= The Naming Game =
First, there has been consideration of changing the name from the very
annoucement of the project. While the objections have ranged from the
emotional to the reasonable, there are both reasons to change the name
and to leave it the same.
Personally, I'm inclined to continue using "Zynot" and carry on with
more important matters. There are several reasons for this:
1) Zynot is out there; there is already momentum behind the name.
2) We have all the infrastructure set up using it.
3) There are already numerous projects leveraging the name.
4) A clever brand/image can easily be developed for Zynot.
6) There are opportunities to create (un)related brands.
This last item leads to the the first big point of this message:
The Zynot Foundation should develop a family of brands.
= Brands In All Shapes and Sizes =
As such, Zynot can be the parent "brand" and we can continue the quest
for a name for the overall distribution; however, I would encourage
people to think of the actual product offerings that could stem from
this distribution. There is room for growth.
In fact, there could be possibilities for "re-using" existing brands in
this context, if such project maintainers were to suddenly decide to
throw their resources at our project. In such cases, the existing brand
need only "drop the Zynot name" (that that as you will) and do business
independently. Incidently, this example is not hypothetical and may
lead into something tangible - or not, too soon to tell.
= Brands for Business =
The "spun off" products are what need a brand for more than the core
project itself. Businesses looking to establish their own brands would
be able to license the rights to be part of the overarching Zynot brand.
I hope the foundation is able to provide more that a simple "rubber
stamp" of approval by providing packages that offer additional levels of
resources and support. These opportunities may come in the form of
"strategic business partners" or other such vague terms, representing a
commitment to provide each other with mutually beneficial services.
== Passing The Buck ==
For example, there are opportunities for individuals or companies to
provide professional Zynot consulting and support services, and the
non-profit can serve as a neutral broker of each's specializations. This
in turn allows each business to participate in more and greater
opportunities; these ideas will take time to realize, but they are a top
priority for those that want to make a living from this.
The Foundation can offer these businesses services to its customers as
part of a more complete service portfolio, the businesses have the
opportunity to develop their own brand and client list, and the
non-profit gains funds and resources with which to serve its community.
== Bang for the Buck ==
Effectively, Zynot would serve as the head of a loosely knit corporate
conglomerate, providing clients with services fulfilled by these
various individuals and companies. The whole can be greater than the
sum of its parts, if we all work together to make it happen.
Of course, extra revenues generated from these ventures will be used to
directly benefit the larger community. With proper management, we could
all be making a living doing work on the project; however, that will not
come without some small sacrifices along the way - and a lot of luck,
let us not forget that. We can make our own fortune, but fate will
always be fickle.
== On Things That Go Bang ==
We do want to have some things go "pop" so that people sit up and take
notice, right? Such is good marketing, and certainly, we should try to
take advantage of that when we can, annoucing a new (or established)
brand name and image in conjunction with a Zynot product technology
press release. That is very good for business.
This cuts against the "open source" nature, as such decisions will need
to be confidential until their public annoucement; however, this
branding strategy does not prevent discussion of those ideas and
projects using a code name.
= Step Away From The Black Hole =
The fact that such marketing and business decisions need to be made
privately will not be kept secret; instead, the existance of all such
"secret" processes and resources should be condoned by, and not
concealed from, the community.
These issues, collectively the needs for secrecy, non-diclosure
agreements, and other such perceivable "threats" to the ideals of free
software, will be summarized and presented to the Zynot community, fully
discussed, and policies adopted that abide by this fundamental principle
of "meta-disclosure".
== When Bang Starts To Suck ==
These policies should allow the community to know something is happening
behind closed doors (if not the details) until such a time, as
proscribed by additional sections of those policies, that those facts
become public knowledge on their own, etc.. Starts to sound a little
like a non-disclosure agreement made between members and the
community (or legally, The Zynot Foundation)... ugh, more realities of
business confronting us in our colletive face.
There are long and tall mountains to climb in this area in order to sate
both the free software users and developers while still meeting the
practical needs for corporate business. I hope we can scale those
heights together as a community.
I still have some more thoughts to share on these matters, again
continue to let me elaborate before everyone goes crazy worrying about
the scary possibilities I've just introduced. And let me briefly thank
everyone for the patience with me in the regard as well; I have been
writing as diligently and often as possible, but there is only so much I
can get out in a day. And the ideas are always better the next day, and
ya'll are so much fun to talk with on IRC, and....
= Conclusions =
These brands are mainly aimed to assist satellite businesses, provinding
a fair means of competing in the marketplace. As a non-profit, we will
compete for mindshare less with our brand than with our technology; the
name will matter when meeting prospective clients in their boardroom for
the first time. Okay, so we have time to work on that image.
With all this in mind, I hope there are no strong objections to continue
using the "Zynot Project" as the code name for the distribution. We will
solicit the community to provide suggestions for new brands on an
ongoing basis, but allow those experienced with The Marketing Game to
develop suitable material for each product offering as it becomes
available. Zynot will be the one brand in common, and Why Not? ;)
It's too soon to tell if we *need* to abandon the name, "Zynot," and
look for something else. Certainly, the "pain" (read: time and $$) of
changing doesn't merit it at the moment. As such, I really would love
to see folks step forward with ideas for Zynot web site design, logos,
slogans, and whatever parts of the "complete package" people are willing
to contribute. (And forgive me if I've overlooked you thus far.)
In that regard, I want to have T-shirts for sale at the LWE booth;
however, the necessarily must come after we have something to put on
them. Please send your comments and ideas to our marketing director...
which is still me, I suppose. Several folks have offered their talents
in this capacity, but I don't recall having found a clear leader as
yet - may this e-mail find its way to the InBox of that person soon.
I hope this meets the needs and expectations of the community, and I
hope to be able to further clarify this overview over time. Looking at
my todo list, my next big post to the mailing lists will address many of
the legal related issues.
Zach Welch
Zynot Foundation
I just wanted to share my current vision for The Zynot Foundation's
naming of the distribution, its branding strategy, and related
meta-development issues. Now: Verbose Mode On! :)
* The Naming Game
* Brands In All Shapes And Sizes
* Brands For Business
* Conclusions
= The Naming Game =
First, there has been consideration of changing the name from the very
annoucement of the project. While the objections have ranged from the
emotional to the reasonable, there are both reasons to change the name
and to leave it the same.
Personally, I'm inclined to continue using "Zynot" and carry on with
more important matters. There are several reasons for this:
1) Zynot is out there; there is already momentum behind the name.
2) We have all the infrastructure set up using it.
3) There are already numerous projects leveraging the name.
4) A clever brand/image can easily be developed for Zynot.
6) There are opportunities to create (un)related brands.
This last item leads to the the first big point of this message:
The Zynot Foundation should develop a family of brands.
= Brands In All Shapes and Sizes =
As such, Zynot can be the parent "brand" and we can continue the quest
for a name for the overall distribution; however, I would encourage
people to think of the actual product offerings that could stem from
this distribution. There is room for growth.
In fact, there could be possibilities for "re-using" existing brands in
this context, if such project maintainers were to suddenly decide to
throw their resources at our project. In such cases, the existing brand
need only "drop the Zynot name" (that that as you will) and do business
independently. Incidently, this example is not hypothetical and may
lead into something tangible - or not, too soon to tell.
= Brands for Business =
The "spun off" products are what need a brand for more than the core
project itself. Businesses looking to establish their own brands would
be able to license the rights to be part of the overarching Zynot brand.
I hope the foundation is able to provide more that a simple "rubber
stamp" of approval by providing packages that offer additional levels of
resources and support. These opportunities may come in the form of
"strategic business partners" or other such vague terms, representing a
commitment to provide each other with mutually beneficial services.
== Passing The Buck ==
For example, there are opportunities for individuals or companies to
provide professional Zynot consulting and support services, and the
non-profit can serve as a neutral broker of each's specializations. This
in turn allows each business to participate in more and greater
opportunities; these ideas will take time to realize, but they are a top
priority for those that want to make a living from this.
The Foundation can offer these businesses services to its customers as
part of a more complete service portfolio, the businesses have the
opportunity to develop their own brand and client list, and the
non-profit gains funds and resources with which to serve its community.
== Bang for the Buck ==
Effectively, Zynot would serve as the head of a loosely knit corporate
conglomerate, providing clients with services fulfilled by these
various individuals and companies. The whole can be greater than the
sum of its parts, if we all work together to make it happen.
Of course, extra revenues generated from these ventures will be used to
directly benefit the larger community. With proper management, we could
all be making a living doing work on the project; however, that will not
come without some small sacrifices along the way - and a lot of luck,
let us not forget that. We can make our own fortune, but fate will
always be fickle.
== On Things That Go Bang ==
We do want to have some things go "pop" so that people sit up and take
notice, right? Such is good marketing, and certainly, we should try to
take advantage of that when we can, annoucing a new (or established)
brand name and image in conjunction with a Zynot product technology
press release. That is very good for business.
This cuts against the "open source" nature, as such decisions will need
to be confidential until their public annoucement; however, this
branding strategy does not prevent discussion of those ideas and
projects using a code name.
= Step Away From The Black Hole =
The fact that such marketing and business decisions need to be made
privately will not be kept secret; instead, the existance of all such
"secret" processes and resources should be condoned by, and not
concealed from, the community.
These issues, collectively the needs for secrecy, non-diclosure
agreements, and other such perceivable "threats" to the ideals of free
software, will be summarized and presented to the Zynot community, fully
discussed, and policies adopted that abide by this fundamental principle
of "meta-disclosure".
== When Bang Starts To Suck ==
These policies should allow the community to know something is happening
behind closed doors (if not the details) until such a time, as
proscribed by additional sections of those policies, that those facts
become public knowledge on their own, etc.. Starts to sound a little
like a non-disclosure agreement made between members and the
community (or legally, The Zynot Foundation)... ugh, more realities of
business confronting us in our colletive face.
There are long and tall mountains to climb in this area in order to sate
both the free software users and developers while still meeting the
practical needs for corporate business. I hope we can scale those
heights together as a community.
I still have some more thoughts to share on these matters, again
continue to let me elaborate before everyone goes crazy worrying about
the scary possibilities I've just introduced. And let me briefly thank
everyone for the patience with me in the regard as well; I have been
writing as diligently and often as possible, but there is only so much I
can get out in a day. And the ideas are always better the next day, and
ya'll are so much fun to talk with on IRC, and....
= Conclusions =
These brands are mainly aimed to assist satellite businesses, provinding
a fair means of competing in the marketplace. As a non-profit, we will
compete for mindshare less with our brand than with our technology; the
name will matter when meeting prospective clients in their boardroom for
the first time. Okay, so we have time to work on that image.
With all this in mind, I hope there are no strong objections to continue
using the "Zynot Project" as the code name for the distribution. We will
solicit the community to provide suggestions for new brands on an
ongoing basis, but allow those experienced with The Marketing Game to
develop suitable material for each product offering as it becomes
available. Zynot will be the one brand in common, and Why Not? ;)
It's too soon to tell if we *need* to abandon the name, "Zynot," and
look for something else. Certainly, the "pain" (read: time and $$) of
changing doesn't merit it at the moment. As such, I really would love
to see folks step forward with ideas for Zynot web site design, logos,
slogans, and whatever parts of the "complete package" people are willing
to contribute. (And forgive me if I've overlooked you thus far.)
In that regard, I want to have T-shirts for sale at the LWE booth;
however, the necessarily must come after we have something to put on
them. Please send your comments and ideas to our marketing director...
which is still me, I suppose. Several folks have offered their talents
in this capacity, but I don't recall having found a clear leader as
yet - may this e-mail find its way to the InBox of that person soon.
I hope this meets the needs and expectations of the community, and I
hope to be able to further clarify this overview over time. Looking at
my todo list, my next big post to the mailing lists will address many of
the legal related issues.
Zach Welch
Zynot Foundation